Since 2021, the NeCS team has evolved into a new team, DANCE. For recent updates please see the new DANCE website.
Activity reports:
2020 web — PDF
2019 web — PDF
2018 web — PDF
2017 web — PDF
2016 web — PDF
2015 web — PDF
2014 web — PDF
2013 web — PDF
2012 web — PDF
2011 web — PDF
2010 web — PDF
2009 web — PDF
2008 web —PDF
2007 web — PDF
Project leader: Carlos Canudas de Wit
e-mail: carlos.canudas-de-wit@gipsa-lab.fr
tel.: +33 (0)4 7661 5364 — Inria
tel.: +33 (0)4 7682 6380 — GIPSA-lab
tel.: +33 (0)6 85737016 — cell
Assistant: Myriam Etienne
e-mail: myriam.etienne@inria.fr
tel.: +33 (0)4 7661 5423
ERC Scale-FreeBackScale-FreeBack is an ERC Advanced Grant 2015 awarded to Carlos Canudas-de-Wit, Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific Research, (CNRS) covering the period september 2016-2021. Scale FreeBack is motivated by observation that systems have become far more complex than the analytical tools available for managing them. The overal aim is to develop holistic scale-free control methods for controlling complex networks in the widest sense and set foundations for a new control theory dealing with complex physical networks with arbitrary size. (More info. here) Open positions (More info. here) |
Maria Laura Delle Monache: a Franco-American journey for the control of road trafficMarie Laura Delle Monache has been awarded the "France-Berkeley-Fund award for high-achieving younger researchers" joint with Samitha Samaranayake (Cornell University, PhD UC Berkeley). The prestigious american university rewards the engagement of the researcher to establish collaborative research between France and the United States. Inria official (More info. here) |
Prize Thesis COMUE UGA 2016Giovanni de Nuzio, former PhD student in the NeCS team has obtained the prize for his thesis Traffic eco-management in urban traffic network. this prize is given by the Community of Universities and Institutions (COMUE) for the year 2016. (More info. here) Video available (More info. here) |
Team presentation
NeCS is an Inria/GIPSA-lab joint team-project (initiated in January 2007) supported by the CNRS, Inria, INPG and UJF. The team goal is to develop a new control framework for assessing problems raised by the consideration of new low-cost and wireless technological components, the increase of systems complexity and the distributed and dynamic location of sensors (sensor networks) and actuators; in this framework, control design is performed under general resources constraints including communication, computation, and energy. In that, the team targets an innovative step forward in the feedback design for networked distributed systems by the development of combined control, computing and communication (3C).
The team is bi-located at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes (Montbonnot Saint Martin) and at the GIPSA-lab (at the Grenoble campus in Saint Martin d'Hères).
The NeCS team (July 2018). To see the people list go on the People page.
Research topics
- Communication and control co-design for networked systems
- Vehicular transportation systems
- Networked systems and graph analysis
- Distributed control
- Distributed average consensus algorithms
- Distributed estimation and data fusion
- Stability and control design of asynchronous interconnected systems
Application domains
- Feedback design for wireless sensor networks
- Vehicle control network systems, and intelligent traffic management
- Undersea mapping and monitoring via fleets of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)
- Energy aware control for/of asynchronous chipsets
- Control and communication of AUVs
- Modelling and control of web servers (collaboration with the SARDES project)
- Automation and control with distributed sensors (camera networks, intelligent buildings, ...)
- Control of complex systems with distributed sensors and actuators: traffic, flows, very large telescopes (VLTs), ...