Daniel SIMON
Organisation: INRIA
Research Center: Rhône-Alpes
Project-team: NeCS
(33) 04 76 61 53 28
(33) 04 76 61 52 52
Research topics
I am researcher with the NeCS
project-team. My interest mainly lies in control and real-time processing
co-design, including software architectures for process control, robotics and
embedded real-time systems.
Beyond the traditionnal approach based on a separation of concern between
control and real-time computing, a better integration between these two
disciplines is necessary to cope with the constraints involved in embedded
systems and mobile devices. Among the various aspects of real-time, one of
prime interest is the scheduling policy used to implement the closed-loop
control laws, which are mainly periodic. Feedback scheduling is an emerging
scheduling method, where the scheduling parameters, such as the tasks period,
is adapted on-line according to an application-dependent criterion. In
particular, it is expected that this method will be efficient to schedule
systems with timely uncertain repetitive behaviour, e.g., in visual servoing.
Two pionnering sources about this topic are control lab. at Lund for the control
side and University
of Virginia for the computing side.
- We are developing ORCCAD, a
software environment aimed to design, verify, simulate and generate real-time
code for complex robotic applications. You can find here a brief presentation and current
state of Orccad. It is jointly developed with SED engineers at Inria Rhone-Alpes.
- I was involved in Safe-NECS, an ANR funded
collaborative project dealing with the coordinated design of safe distributed
control systems, in which a testbed will be a quadrirotor aerial drone
developed at GIPSA-lab. Another
starting project is ARAVIS where control loops will be deeply integrated in
high density silicon chips, and the integration of control capabilities both
in operating systems and web 2012-01-30services is the
topic of an ongoing cooperation with the SARDES team.
- For a long time my favorite application field has been Underwater
Robotics which led to several collaborative projects with the Robotics Service
(PRAO) at Ifremer: within this application field the CONNECT project (funded by
the ANR) is working on the topic of controlling multi-agent systems gathering
underwater, surface and aerial autonomous vehicles.
I am also involved in the IST FP7 project FeedNetBack, in particular within the
"Control and Computing Co-design" workpackage.
- Here are some selected publications.
Any question?
Educational Background
I graduated as Engineer from Ecole Nationale
Supérieure de Mécanique et Microtechniques , Besançon (1976) and as
Doctor-engineer from Université de
Franche-Comté with the L.A.B. (1980). I graduated in
1998 for the "Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches" at Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
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