"COMFORT" is an Associate Team between INRIA project-team NeCS and the Berkeley University project PATH, funded from 2014 to 2016.
January, 22nd 2014
The Inria International affairs department decided to support the creation of the associate team project COMFORT.
Project description
Research project
The project addresses open issues for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The goal of these systems is to use information technologies (sensing, signal processing, machine learning, communications, and control) to improve traffic flow, as well as enhance the safety and comfort of drivers. These tools are doubtlessly of very high societal and economical value. It has been established over the past several decades, through field studies and many scholarly publications, that the tools of ITS can significantly improve the flow of traffic on congested freeways and streets.
Three main objectives will be addressed in this collaboration:
Objective 1: Model validation and
robust modeling for traffic estimation, control and
forecasting. We propose to
establish a collaborative effort to devise an
integrated methodology for accomplishing sensor fault
detection, reconfiguring the topology of the
estimation and prediction modules of the traffic
simulation systems and finally to that will permit
reliable traffic state estimation on forecasting in
freeway corridors systems.
Objective 2: New methods for traffic forecasting. The Associate team aims to:Derive, analyze, and validate robust stochastic traffic forecasting methods.Derive online estimation methods of stochastic parameters for both demand prediction and state reconstruction.
Objective 3: New methods for
distributed traffic control and estimation. The
goals are to study the traffic balancing approach in a
joint control scheme including ramp metering and
variable speed limit, study the distributed traffic
approach for urban traffic and heterogeneous networks
and develop new techniques for large scale estimation
and control of freeway and arterial traffic states.
Carlos Canudas De Wit
Director of Research at the CNRS
BP. 46, F-38402, Saint Martin d'Hères, France
Tel: + 33.(0) (campus-Grenoble)
Tel: + 33.(0) (INRIA-Montbonnot)
Fax: + 33.(0)4.7682.6388
Cellphone: + 33 (0)
- Administrator
(Hassen Fourati)
- Restricted access to members only