Associated links:


PhD thesis:

Semi-Active Control System for Trajectory Optimization of a Moving Load on an Elastic Continuum (2011)


Journal papers:

1. Pisarski D., Bajer C. I.: Smart Suspension System for Linear Guideways. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol 62, pp 451-466 (2011)

2. Pisarski D., Bajer C. I.: Semi-active Control of 1D Continuum Vibrations Under a Travelling Load. Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol 329(2), pp 140-149 (2010)

3. Pisarski D., Bajer C. I.: Aktywne Tlumienie Drgan Jednowymiarowego Osrodka Ciaglego pod Obciazeniem Ruchomym. Drogi i Mosty, vol 8, pp 71-87 (2009)


Conference papers:

1. Pisarski D., Canudas-de-Wit C.: Optimal Balancing of Traffic Density: Application to the Grenoble South Ring. Proceeding of the IEEE European Control Conference, pp 4021-4026 (2013)

2. Pisarski D., Canudas-de-Wit C.: Optimal Balancing of Road Traffic Density Distributions for the Cell Transmission Model. Proceeding of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp 6969-6974 (2012)

3. Pisarski D., Canudas-de-Wit C.: Analysis and Design of Equilibrium Points for the Cell-Transmission Traffic Model. Proceeding of the IEEE American Control Conference, pp 5763-5768 (2012)

4. Dyniewicz B., Pisarski D., Konowrocki R.: Semi-Active Control of Track Subjected to an Inertial Moving Load. Vibrations in Physical Systems, vol 25, pp 147-152 (2012)

5. Pisarski D., Bajer C. I.: Moving Load Passage Optimization via Semi-Active Control System. 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, pp 411-412 (2011)

6. Pisarski D., Bajer C. I.: On the Semi-Active Control of Carrying Structures Under a Travelling Load. Vibrations in Physical Systems, vol 24, pp 325-330 (2010)

7. Pisarski D., Bajer C. I.: Active Suspension Control of 1D Continuum Under Travelling Load. Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, vol 17, pp 273-278 (2009)


Book Chapters:

1. Bajer C. I., Myslinski A., Zochowski A., Dyniewicz B., Pisarski D.: Interactive Computer Environment for Solving Optimal Problems-IDOS, edited by R. Pytlak, BEL Studio, Warsaw (2012)


Papers under review:

1. Pisarski D., Canudas-de-Wit C.: Steady State Balancing in Freeway Traffic Systems, Transportation Research Part B (2013)

2. Pisarski D., Canudas-de-Wit C.: Nash Game Based Distributed Control Design for Balancing of Traffic Density over Freeway Networks, Transactions on Control of Network Systems (2014)










Dominik Pisarski


655 avenue de la Europe, Montbonnot 38334 FRANCE
