"COMFORT" is an Associate Team between INRIA project-team NeCS and the Berkeley University project PATH, funded from 2014 to 2016.
Visits & interships
24/09/2014 - 14/12/2014: Visit of
Giovanni De Nunzio (Ph.D. student at NeCS team) at
PATH, UC Berkeley.
29/10/2014 - 06/11/2014: Visit of Prof.
Carlos Canudas de Wit at UC Berkeley.
12/05/2015-15/05/2015: Kibangou
visited UC Berkeley during the BIS workshop (Berkeley-Inria-Stanford,
May 12-15). During this stay, A.
Kibangou participated as a panel member for the panel
dedicated to Urban
mobility. He had discussions with G. GOMES (UC
Berkeley) on different topics
about traffic including flow prediction and
interfacing traffic micro-simulator
such as AIMSUM with Matlab. During this stay,
discussions with Bhaskar
Krishnamachari (Univ. Southern California) have been
started about estimation
of origin destination matrices.
17/10/2015 –
25/11/2015: Visit of Prof. Carlos Canudas de Wit at
Berkeley (Planned Agenda):
- Meetings with Prof. Horowitz and Dr. Gomes are
- Oct 23th Lecture at Institute of Tranpsortation
Studies (ITS) and the Transportation Program of the
Civil and Enviromental Engineering Department at the
University of California, Berkeley, in the ITS
tranpsortation seminar program.
Meetings with the faculty and the students from the
ITS and the Path Group.
24/09/2015 - 21/11/2015: Long Program: New
Directions in Mathematical Approaches for Traffic
Flow Management. Institute of Applied Mathematics
A side product of this
collaboration is our participation to the IPAM
workshops on modeling,
estimation and control taking place at LA-USA (UCLA)
from Sept-Dec. 2015
organized by the Insitute of Pure and Applied
mathematics (IPAM).
Two of our PhD students will participate to
this event: A. Ladino (PhD) from NeCS team (3
weeks), and P. Grandinetti (PhD),
from NeCS (4 weeks). Also Canudas de Wit will also
participate to the
estimation and control workshops as a lecturer, and
Federica Garin to the
control one. People of the Berkeley group (Prof. R.
Horowitz, and G. Gomes) participating
to the COMFORT project will also be part of these
workshops, and will present
some of our common results. More information
at (here)
Carlos Canudas De Wit
Director of Research at the CNRS
BP. 46, F-38402, Saint Martin d'Hères, France
Tel: + 33.(0) (campus-Grenoble)
Tel: + 33.(0) (INRIA-Montbonnot)
Fax: + 33.(0)4.7682.6388
Cellphone: + 33 (0)
- Administrator
(Hassen Fourati)
- Restricted access to members only