The south ring
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The selected road is the national highway 87, or Grenoble south ring (GSR), in french la rocade sud, that links the city of Grenoble from the south-west to the north-east. It connects two motorways:
- the A480, which goes from Paris and Lyon to Marseille;
- the A41, which goes from Grenoble to Switzerland.
It is then a important medium of communication between two major motorways.
The Grenoble south ring in numbers
- 10.5 km long
- 9 nodes, 11 inputs and 10 outputs
- 90 000 vehicles (5% of trucks) on the south ring, 100 000 on the A480 (6.5% of trucks)
- Speed limit: 90 km/h
- Variable speed limits: between 70 and 90 km/h
- Time travel (for the whole south ring): from 15 minutes up to 50 minutes