Event | Date | Place | |
ERC Scale-Freeback Workshop | Sep 21st -22nd | Chateau de la commanderie | |
PhD defense — Pietro Grandinetti Control of large scale traffic Networks |
September 11th | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Inverse equilibrium problems in Traffic Networks - Ioannis Paschalidis | September 4th | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Quantum Control - Pierre Rouchon - (GIPSALAB) | June 21th | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Structural Controllability - Seminar - Christian Commault - (GIPSALAB) | January 12th | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Event | Date | Place |
Seminar - Thibault Liard (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6) |
November 21st | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
37th International Summer School on Automatic Control | September 12-16 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
15th ECC — European control conference | June 29 - July 2 | Aalborg, Danemark |
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) - Alain Kibangou | June 20 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Mini-Workshop Network systems and tensor decompositions | June 20 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Seminar — Roberto Tempo (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) | April 21 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Event | Date | Place |
54th IEEE CDC — Conference on decision and control | December 15-18 | Osaka, Japan |
Seminar — Paolo Frasca (Twente University, Netherlands) Distributed estimation from relative and absolute measurements |
November 23 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
IPAM Long Program New directions in Mathematical Approaches for Traffic Flow Management |
Sept. 26 - Nov. 21 | Los Angeles, USA |
SPEEDD meeting | October 19 | Haifa, Israel |
PhD defense — Giovanni de Nunzio Traffic Eco-management in Urban Traffic Networks |
October 2 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Workshop— Traffic modelling and control workshop | October 1 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
14th ECC — European control conference | July 15-17 | Linz, Austria |
SPEEDD meeting | June 3-4 | Athens, Greece |
PhD defense — Ruggero Fabiano Collaborative source seeking control |
May 28 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
PhD defense — Thi Min Dung Tran Methods for Finite time average conensus protocols design, network robustness assesment and network topology reconstruction |
March 26 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Event | Date | Place |
PhD defense — Dominik Pisarski Collaborative ramp metering control: application to Grenoble south ring |
September 16 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Seminar — Giacomo Como (Lund University, Sweden) Resilient distributed control of dynamical flow networks |
September 15 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
SPEEDD meeting | September 8-9 | Lisbon, Portugal |
PhD defense — Luis León Traffic demand flow and travel-time forecasting with an application to the south ring of Grenoble |
July 3 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
13th EUCA ECC — European control conference | June 24-27 | Strasbourg, France |
PhD seminar — G. De Nunzio, R. Lesobre, L. Ryba, P. J. Meyer, A. Makni, M. Berekmeri | June 5 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
SPEEDD kick-off meeting | May 14 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
HYCON 2 show-day | May 13 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
Event | Date | Place |
52nd IEEE CDC — Conference on decision and control | December 10-13 | Florence, Italy |
PhD seminar — A. Castellanos Silva, D. Trần, R. Fabbiano, H. Stein Shiromoto, Y. Tang, P. O. Lamare | December 5 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Journées GIPSA-lab | October 17-18 | L'Escandille Autrans, France |
Seminar — Daniel Work (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) TrafficTurk: monitoring traffic during extreme congestion events |
October 11 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
PhD defense — Valentina Ciarla Commande d'un système de puissance électrique pour personne à mobilité réduite |
October 10 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
HYCON2 traffic workshop | October 1-2 | Pavia, Italy |
4th IFAC NeCSys — Workshop on distributed estimation and control in networked systems | September 25-26 | Koblenz, Germany |
12th EUCA ECC — European control conference | July 17-19 | Zürich, Switzerland |
GIPSA-lab 34th summer school of automatic control Stability of time-delay systems and its applications |
July 1-5 | Isère, France |
IEEE ACC — American control conference | June 17-19 | Washington, USA |
PhD seminar — M. Ahmed, J. Sandoval Moreno, T. Hamaz, N. Bouchair, L. R. León Ojeda, I. Rubio Scola | June 6 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Seminar — Claudio Altafini (SISSA international school for advanced studies, Trieste, Italy) Dynamics and control on networks with antagonistic interactions |
January 31 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
Event | Date | Place |
51st IEEE CDC — Conference on decision and control | December 10-13 | Maui, USA |
PhD seminar — A. Manecy, S. Mechhoud, S. Varrier, C. Ngo, D. Pisarski, T. H. Wang | December 6 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
In'Tech seminar Intelligent transportation systems (ITS): algorithms and technologies ![]() |
November 29 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
PhD defense — Gabriel Rodrigues de Campos Agreement strategies for multi-robot systems |
November 23 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Seminar — Christopher Edwards (University of Leicester, UK) Safety, survivability and sliding modes |
November 22 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
PhD defense — Patrick Andrianiaina Robust control under slackened real-time constraints |
October 26 | LAAS Toulouse, France |
Journées GIPSA-lab | October 18-19 | Autrans, France |
PhD defense — Nicolas Cardoso de Castro Energy-aware control and communication co-design in wireless networked control systems |
October 4 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
PhD defense — Riccardo Ceccarelli Diagnostic à base de modèle de la boucle d'air des moteurs Diesel |
September 21 | IFP Rueil Malmaison, France |
15th IEEE ITSC — Conference on intelligent transportation systems | September 16-19 | Anchorage, USA |
3rd IFAC NeCSys — Workshop on distributed estimation and control in networked systems | September 14-15 | Santa Barbara, USA |
GIPSA-lab 33rd summer school of automatic control Modeling and control of distributed parameter systems |
September 10-14 | Gières, France |
PhD defense — Luc Malrait Modeling and control of server systems: application to performance and dependability |
July 3 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
IEEE ACC — American control conference | June 27-29 | Montreal, Canada |
HYCON2 traffic workshop | January 9-12 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
Event | Date | Place |
50th IEEE CDC — Conference on decision and control & 11th EUCA ECC — European control conference | December 12-15 | Orlando, USA |
PhD defense — Lara Briñón Arranz Cooperative control design for a fleet of AUVs under communication constraints |
November 18 | ENSE3 Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Journées GIPSA-lab | October 20-21 | Aussois, France |
PhD defense — Émilie Roche Commande à échantillonnage variable pour les systèmes LPV : application à un sous-marin autonome |
October 18 | GIPSA-lab Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
FeedNetBack meeting | October 11-12 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
4th IEEE MSC — Multi-conference on systems and control | September 27-30 | Denver, USA |
GIPSA-lab 32nd summer school of automatic control Robust control and linear parameter varying approaches: application to vehicles dynamics |
September 12-16 | Gières, France |
IEEE ACC — American control Conference | June 29 — July 1 | San Francisco, USA |
HYCON2 traffic workshop | May 9-13 | Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Montbonnot Saint Martin, France |
FeedNetBack meeting | April 28-29 | Seville, Spain |
Event | Date | Place |
49th IEEE CDC — Conference on decision and control | December 15-17 | Atlanta, USA |
Journées GIPSA-lab | December 2-3 | Autrans, France |
FeedNetBack workshop | September 15 | Annecy, France |
2nd IFAC NeCSys — Workshop on distributed estimation and control in networked systems | September 13-14 | Annecy, France |
GIPSA-lab 31st summer school of automatic control Distributed control and estimation of networked control systems |
September 7-10 | Isère, France |
IEEE ACC — American control conference | June 30 — July 2 | Baltimore, USA |
Event | Date | Place |
48th IEEE CDC — Conference on decision and control & 28th CCC — Chinese control conference | December 16-18 | Shanghai, China |
RECAP![]() |
November 25-26 | Minatec Grenoble, France |
Journées GIPSA-lab | October 15-16 | Annecy, France |
1st IFAC NeCSys — Workshop on distributed estimation and control in networked systems | September 24-27 | Venice, Italy |
FeedNetBack workshop | September 23 | Venice, Italy |
10th EUCA ECC — European control conference | August 23-26 | Budapest, Hungary |
3rd IEEE MSC — Multi-conference on systems and control | July 8-10 | Saint Petersburg, Russia |
39th DNS — International conference on dependable systems and networks | June 29 — July 2 | Estoril, Portugal |
FeedNetBack plenary meeting | March 25-26 | Padova, Italy |
Event | Date | Place |
FeedNetBack kick-off meeting | September 22-24 | Stockholm, Sweden |